
What does Sakina mean?

Inner peace. Serenity. Tranquility;
a feeling craved when feeling overwhelmed.



About The Blog

I started this blog, wanting to share parts from my life. Positivity & growth through adventures, reflections, short stories, poetry, advice as well as incorporating my love for photography. My hope, was to help & inspire through my writing.

One of the main motivations behind my blog is:
To share things I love, have learnt or been inspired by.  In doing so, I hope to remind others (and my self at times) that they’re not alone in their feelings/experiences. To help them to see the world and life, through a different lens.

I’ve been passionate about the written word and all things artsy, ever since I was a child. For the longest period of time, I’ve wanted to create a platform that people could visit and take something they needed from. Whether it be a little bit of encouragement, a little story or poem to escape the chaos of daily life,  or even a reminder about what ones purpose.

About The Blogger Behind The Screen.

As a twenty-somthing wife and mum, born to a British Pakistani mother and Nigerian father, my story began when I born in a hospital in Kuwait City. Childhood me, grew up in a delightfully quiet little town  in the English countryside, called Gloucester (U.K). Yup, I was a small town girl until I was 8ish-9. Then came the first big move to Sharjah, UAE (also commonly known for being next door neighbour to, Dubai). Wherein I would spend the next 10 years of my life. Fast forward to the year 2016, 19-years-young-me, the girl who never really wanted to grow up (girl version of Peter Pan basically) m a r r i e d ! Alhamdulilah (All thanks to God) ~

side note: (I’m also the eldest of 8 siblings + was homeschooled, Alhamdulilah) 

And so, the marriage chapter began. I ended up flying thousands of miles away from Sharjah (UAE) all the way to a beautiful town called Cardiff, in Wales (to live with my husband)!

But I won’t bore you with more details, unless you’re still curious? Maybe you’d like me to do a little in depth blog post someday? Feel free to let me know in the comments below, and I just might write something up! ~

That being said, we all have but a number of days to live. In this little corner of the internet, I wanted to share a few days that have made up my life. In hope that even when I’m no longer among the living (though that may sound a little depressing..) you’ll still have something to look back on. Something, that will hopefully inspire you to live life to the fullest, to reflect and be of the grateful for the countless blessings, that life has bestowed you with~


For Collaborations please feel free to contact me @ : sakinahaych@gmail.com


I appreciate you taking the time out to read all the way to the end,
I wish upon you nothing but peace ~

Stay hydrated,

+ Be The Change Youu Wish To See ~





All Content Used, Belongs Solely To The Blogger Unless Stated Otherwise.

It would greatly be appreciated if any work / photography that is liked/wanted to be used elsewhere, for permission to be sought beforehand.

Thank You.

8 thoughts on “About

  1. I am ecstatic to have found your little inspirational blog. I have always wanted to name any child that I had ‘Sakina’. I think it’s a beautiful name. (My husband doesn’t agree but that is another story hahah). My favourite nasheed is actually ‘sakina’ by Native Deen – don’t know if you have heard of it. I do look forward to reading more of your posts 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Looks like we’ve got a lot in common then 🙈 my pen name is actually Sakina but it’s not my real name. I love the name so incredibly much too because of its meaning! I mentioned to my hubby as well child name wise, that i love it too. I’m sorry to hear your hubby doesn’t share your love for the name, but who knows what the future lies ☺ he might change his mind later on. I have in-fact heard the nasheed ‘Sakina’ by Native Deen 🙂

      I have much to learn writing wise but I whole-heatedly appreciate the fact you took the time out to go through each post and leave behind a little of your sparkle that made me smile at first glance ~ though it may sound a little cliche, it’s honestly people like YOU that inspire me to keep going with my writing. So thank you, for being so wonderfully inspirational ~

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, really! Well, it’s a beautiful pen name 😀 It’s an absolute pleasure, Sakina, and I wish you all the best in all your writing endeavours, may you only ever get better 🙂 I look forward to reading more of what you write.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello there’s thought I would pop over and say hello. You took th etike to check out my blog and leave and really nice comment there, (which I haventrpelied yet I’m sorry). It’s been a tight week for me, writing finals on Saturday, Thought I’d say hi tonight, and In sha Allah, would come over to your blog as soon as I can again. Take care and happy writing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Assalamualaykum ~

      Thank you so much for your lovely comment, it means so much to me that despite your hectic schedule that you took the time out to say hello! 🙃 I hope everything goes well with your finals In’Sha’Allah and that you ace them ✨ take care of yourself and I look forward to seeing more of you and your work in the future In’Sha’Allah ~


  3. So good to know more about you Sakina. May God always bless you to be at peace. You are so young and have already experienced so much life.
    And you write so well for one so young.
    My wife too was just 21, when we got our son 😇

    May God fulfil all your worthwhile dreams and desires.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. As salaamu alaikum. Glad to have found your work. Is there some sort of category list for the posts? I can’t find one and it’d make it easier to navigate everything.

    Have you written posts about your homeschooling experiences?


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